Saturday, January 30, 2016

Instructional Approaches!
For Week 2 of classes we were asked to read an article and look through Dr. Smirnova's Powerpoint and take notes on different Instructional Approaches. I learned about the different models, strategies, methods and skills that can help facilitate instruction.
Here is some information I learned and summarized into bullets:
1. Direct Instruction: Teacher Directed, questioning, lecture, structured overview, explicit teaching, compare and contrast, mastery lecture, demonstrations, etc.
2. Indirect Instruction: Student centered, story telling, oral tradition, case studies, Inquiry, reflection, critical examination of contemporary issues, problem solving, reading for meaning, inquiry, reflective discussion, concept formation
3. Interactive Instruction: 2 way communication and discussion, debates, role playing, lab groups, panels, cooperative problem solving, brainstorming, cooperative problem solving, talking circles, dialectal thinking, consensus and decision making.
4. Experiential Learning: Inductive, learner centered, and actively oriented, oral history interviews, surveys, simulations, role play, games, field trips, experiments.
5. Independent Study: range of instructional methods to foster the development of individual student initiative, self reliance and self improvement, responsible decision making, essays, hw, assigned questions, reports, computer assisted instruction, learning contracts, journals, research projects.

I also learned about important Social Studies elements:

In addition I also learned about assessment! Here is what I found:
1. Readiness - skill, content knowledge, concepts
2. Interest - interest surveys, interest centers, self selection.
3. Learning Profile - Areas of strength and weaknesses, work preferences, self awareness

There are three main types of Assessment:
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment

I also read through the other articles that Dr. Smirnova sent to us on eclass. I found the article called Powerful Teaching and Learning to be informational but to the point. This article discussed how to meet the Social Studies Standards and principles of teaching and learning. My favorite part of the article was in the last chapter that discusses Schools as a place to learn and not just a space. I completely agree with this statement. Schools are often looked at as just a "place" from children and so children focus on just getting through their day. School should not be about eventually making money but about growing as individuals and learning new things. It is our job as educators to create a place where students want to learn and want to be in school. NOT because they have to!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

First Day Jitters!

Today was the first day of classes and I was very nervous because I am taking three different methods classes this semester (Math, Social Studies
and Science). The first day of classes went well, although it was tough to make it to classes on time with no breaks within my day and only ten minutes to run across campus! Hopefully tomorrow goes much smoother!

For the first day of class we made name tags and did a couple of ice breakers to get to know each other. We had time to reflect on past experiences with our favorite teachers and also had the opportunity to discuss what makes a "good" teacher. It was interesting to see how similar everyone's answers were. For the most part the whole class found that their favorite teachers were exciting, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and caring. Reflecting on our own teachers as children is very helpful in inspiring us for the future. The world has changed so much since I was in elementary school and I hope to one day not be the boring, average teacher. I hope that I can be a teacher like the one I have most of my elementary school memories from.

This week we have to design our PowerPoint page and also complete a get to know me digital project. For my project I decided to do a Pinterest Page and I included 10 pictures that summarize me. My pinterest page has pictures of Saint Bernards, family and teaching quotes, my favorite food and favorite color, etc. I love Pinterest and I was very excited to create a board as my project because I feel that Pinterest is a fun way to express yourself and show others what you like instead of just telling them.

The name I created for this blog is Kelly's Journey of Teaching Social Studies through Technology. I chose this title because this class is like a journey for me and I will learn so much about teaching and incorporating technology that will help me to become a better teacher. This blog will show my whole journey and how I have changed over the semester!

Finally, I will reflect on the video about teaching this generation. The video discussed the changes of how children are learning. It reminded us that it is important to learn the new ways that children are learning through technology in order to make sure that all students are learning at their full capacity. Incorporating technology on a daily basis into the classroom and also at home can be very helpful to many children. Children will also be more engaged because they know how to use it.